
Freediving coaching and instruction

I offer coaching and informal instruction on freediving, primarily in Wellington, Aoteroa New Zealand. I love freediving and love sharing my knowledge and experience of it with other divers. I'm an extremely experienced diver with a thorough understanding of freediving safety, technique, and training for competitive freediving.

I offer coaching to help beginner freedivers build confidence in the water and at depth. I provide a safe environment and dedicated attention to deal with any difficulties, so we can work on issues such as claustrophobia, anxiety, equalisation issues, or technique for duck dives, turns, etc. For more experienced divers, I can help work though specific issues such as equalisation or technique, and develop training plans so you can train more effectively.

I don't teach formal courses (yet), but I do recommend you do take one as part of your freediving journey. If you need help finding an instructor, get in touch and I can make a recommendation.

I've been freediving for more than twenty years, and trained in Egypt, Bali, Mexico, and New Zealand. I'm the current president of the Lazy Seals Freediving Club in Wellington, I started Christchurch Freediving Club and was the founding president. I've competed multiple times in New Zealand and worked as a safety diver at the NZ pool nationals. I've introduced hundreds of divers to freediving at club intro sessions. I'm an SSI level 3 freediver and PADI Divemaster (scuba); I am first-aid qualified by NZ Red Cross.

To book any of these courses, get in touch via the contact page.

If you're a member of the Lazy Seals and you want to participate in these courses, but can't afford it, get in touch and we can work something out.

Prices include GST.

Depth training

1:1 or small group training sessions. A great way for divers new to depth training to build confidence in the water, practice using a buoy, lanyard and other gear, and improve your equalisation and technique. For more experienced divers, we can work on technique, equalisation, or training for deep diving.

  • For beginner to intermediate divers, best if you have some pool experience.
  • Wellington harbour.
  • Summer only - early December to mid-April. Weather dependent.
  • $80 for a two hour session.

Training plans

We'll work together to develop an effective and realistic training plan for your freediving. Either a general year-round plan or specific preparation for a competition or other event. We'll talk about goal-setting, periodisation, specific workouts in the pool or ocean, dry training, drills for technique, and more. My goal is to help you understand my advice and the reasoning behind it so you can make your own plans and train effectively without constant supervision.

We'll have an initial session to discuss what you want to get out of the coaching, develop a high-level training plan, and make a plan for your first training cycle. We can then meet for shorter follow-up sessions to track progress, adjust your plans, plan further training cycles, or prepare for events.

  • For intermediate divers.
  • Wellington or remote.
  • $30 per hour or a fixed price for specific event preparation.

Cross-training: weights, stretching, and dry breath-hold training

Coming soon ...