RFC 1576: macros-literal-matcher

lang (macros | syntax)


Add a literal fragment specifier for macro_rules! patterns that matches literal constants:

macro_rules! foo {
    ($l:literal) => ( /* ... */ );


There are a lot of macros out there that take literal constants as arguments (often string constants). For now, most use the expr fragment specifier, which is fine since literal constants are a subset of expressions. But it has the following issues:


Add a literal (or lit, or constant) matcher in macro patterns that matches all single-tokens literal constants (those that are currently represented by token::Literal). Matching input against this matcher would call the parse_lit method from libsyntax::parse::Parser. The FOLLOW set of this matcher should be the same as ident since it matches a single token.


This includes only single-token literal constants and not compound literals, for example struct literals Foo { x: some_literal, y: some_literal } or arrays [some_literal ; N], where some_literal can itself be a compound literal. See in alternatives why this is disallowed.



The keyword of the matcher can be literal, lit, constant, or something else.