RFC 0450: un-feature-gate-some-more-gates

lang (syntax | control-flow | tuples)


Remove the tuple_indexing, if_let, and while_let feature gates and add them to the language.


Tuple Indexing

This feature has proven to be quite useful for tuples and struct variants, and it allows for the removal of some unnecessary tuple accessing traits in the standard library (TupleN).

The implementation has also proven to be quite solid with very few reported internal compiler errors related to this feature.

if let and while let

This feature has also proven to be quite useful over time. Many projects are now leveraging these feature gates which is a testament to their usefulness.

Additionally, the implementation has also proven to be quite solid with very few reported internal compiler errors related to this feature.

Detailed design


Adding features to the language this late in the game is always somewhat of a risky business. These features, while having baked for a few weeks, haven't had much time to bake in the grand scheme of the language. These are both backwards compatible to accept, and it could be argued that this could be done later rather than sooner.

In general, the major drawbacks of this RFC are the scheduling risks and "feature bloat" worries. This RFC, however, is quite easy to implement (reducing schedule risk) and concerns two fairly minor features which are unambiguously nice to have.


Unresolved questions

None at the moment.