RFC 0068: Add const keyword to immutable raw pointers

lang (syntax | raw-pointers)


Rename *T to *const T, retain all other semantics of unsafe pointers.


Currently the T* type in C is equivalent to *mut T in Rust, and the const T* type in C is equivalent to the *T type in Rust. Noticeably, the two most similar types, T* and *T have different meanings in Rust and C, frequently causing confusion and often incorrect declarations of C functions.

If the compiler is ever to take advantage of the guarantees of declaring an FFI function as taking T* or const T* (in C), then it is crucial that the FFI declarations in Rust are faithful to the declaration in C.

The current difference in Rust unsafe pointers types with C pointers types is proving to be too error prone to realistically enable these optimizations at a future date. By renaming Rust's unsafe pointers to closely match their C brethren, the likelihood for erroneously transcribing a signature is diminished.

Detailed design

This section will assume that the current unsafe pointer design is forgotten completely, and will explain the unsafe pointer design from scratch.

There are two unsafe pointers in rust, *mut T and *const T. These two types are primarily useful when interacting with foreign functions through a FFI. The *mut T type is equivalent to the T* type in C, and the *const T type is equivalent to the const T* type in C.

The type &mut T will automatically coerce to *mut T in the normal locations that coercion occurs today. It will also be possible to explicitly cast with an as expression. Additionally, the &T type will automatically coerce to *const T. Note that &mut T will not automatically coerce to *const T.

The two unsafe pointer types will be freely castable among one another via as expressions, but no coercion will occur between the two. Additionally, values of type uint can be casted to unsafe pointers.

When is a coercion valid?

When coercing from &'a T to *const T, Rust will guarantee that the memory will remain valid for the lifetime 'a and the memory will be immutable up to memory stored in Unsafe<U>. It is the responsibility of the code working with the *const T that the pointer is only dereferenced in the lifetime 'a.

When coercing from &'a mut T to *mut T, Rust will guarantee that the memory will stay valid during 'a and that the memory will not be accessed during 'a. Additionally, Rust will consume the &'a mut T during the coercion. It is the responsibility of the code working with the *mut T to guarantee that the unsafe pointer is only dereferenced in the lifetime 'a, and that the memory is "valid again" after 'a.

Note: Rust will consume &mut T coercions with both implicit and explicit coercions.

The term "valid again" is used to represent that some types in Rust require internal invariants, such as Box<T> never being NULL. This is often a per-type invariant, so it is the responsibility of the unsafe code to uphold these invariants.

When is a safe cast valid?

Unsafe code can convert an unsafe pointer to a safe pointer via dereferencing inside of an unsafe block. This section will discuss when this action is valid.

When converting *mut T to &'a mut T, it must be guaranteed that the memory is initialized to start out with and that nobody will access the memory during 'a except for the converted pointer.

When converting *const T to &'a T, it must be guaranteed that the memory is initialized to start out with and that nobody will write to the pointer during 'a except for memory within Unsafe<U>.


Today's unsafe pointers design is consistent with the borrowed pointers types in Rust, using the mut qualifier for a mutable pointer, and no qualifier for an "immutable" pointer. Renaming the pointers would be divergence from this consistency, and would also introduce a keyword that is not used elsewhere in the language, const.


Unresolved questions