RFC 0059: Remove the ~ sigil

lang (syntax)


The tilde (~) operator and type construction do not support allocators and therefore should be removed in favor of the box keyword and a language item for the type.



~T may be seen as convenient sugar for a common pattern in some situations.

Detailed design

The ~EXPR production is removed from the language, and all such uses are converted into box.

Add a lang item, box. That lang item will be defined in liballoc (NB: not libmetal/libmini, for bare-metal programming) as follows:

pub struct Box<T,A=Heap>(*T);

All parts of the compiler treat instances of Box<T> identically to the way it treats ~T today.

The destructuring form for Box<T> will be box PAT, as follows:

let box(x) = box(10);
println!("{}", x); // prints 10


The other possible design here is to keep ~T as sugar. The impact of doing this would be that a common pattern would be terser, but I would like to not do this for the reasons stated in "Motivation" above.

Unresolved questions

The allocator design is not yet fully worked out.

It may be possible that unforeseen interactions will appear between the struct nature of Box<T> and the built-in nature of ~T when merged.