New website

Over the last few months I've been putting together a new website. It is now all online at The website is mostly about work - I'm available now for consulting and training, and will have some courses coming soon; more detail coming in another blog post.

I've tried to go for a minimalist look for the website, using a small colour palette, few design elements, lots of whitespace, and deliberate use of images. It may have ended up too simple, it's certainly a bit more low-tech than is fashionable, but I'm quite happy with the look and general practicality. It should render well on any device and in most browsers, with or without Javascript (though JS will make it a little prettier).

Primarily the site advertises my services. I've written about consulting, training, and coaching/mentoring that I offer. The training section includes a bit of detail on courses I will teach (one on performance with Rust and one beginners' Rust course). I expect there will be much more in that section in the future. There's also a page about freediving which is mostly a hobby, but which I offer fairly informal coaching in.

The website also has a bunch of stuff about me. Not just for my vanity, but because I expect most folk will want to know who I am before they throw money at me (you are going to throw money at me, right?). As well as a bio page, there are some of my talks and publications, my resume, and this blog (which hasn't changed recently).

I hope you like the new site! Please let me know via email or the socials if you find any bugs or have any feedback.